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I precursori della Spinal Sensitization

Prof. Fischer

Marta Imamura, MD Ph.D.

Marta Imamura

Collaborative Professor, Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Coordinator, Clinical Research Center, Institute of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine University of São Paulo School of Medicine São Paulo, Brazil
Past President, International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Past Chair, ISPRM Education Committee
Past President, Brazilian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Giampaolo de Sena, MD

Giampaolo de Sena

Founder and Director Multicenter Spine Project "Clinica del Mal di Schiena"
Clinica Ruesch Spine Outpatient
Former Vice President, Italian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Former Director Manual Medicine National School Italian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Napoli, ITALY

Bryan O'Young, MD

Bryan O'Young

Dr. Bryan O’Young is a clinical professor at the New York University School of Medicine attending physician at the Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine. Medical Director of Physiatric Pain Management, Geisinger Health System Clinical Professor, NYU School of Medicine, Rusk Rehab at NYU Langone Medical Center, Adjunct Clinical Professor, Weill Cornell Medical College, NY Presbyterian Hosptial

Mark Allen Young, MD

Mark Allen Young

Mark Allen Young, MD, MBA, FACP, specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Physiatry Chair, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R)
The Maryland Rehabilitation Center/ Workforce & Technology Center
State of Maryland, Division of Rehabilitation, Department of Education
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, University of Maryland Associate Professor, NYU Dept of Rehabilitation-Rusk Professor, Dept. of Orthopedic Science, NY College of Podiatric Medicine Sinai Faculty Practice, Coverage
Physician-Outpatient Service Faculty & Site Director, Residency Training Rotation (WTC)
Faculty, Sinai-JHU PM&R Residency , Sinai-U of MD Northwest Hospital Staff Attending

David A.Cassius, MD

David A.Cassius

Dr. David Cassius is a physiatrist in Seattle, Washington Specialist in the treatment of pain and sports injuries using Segmental Neuromyotherapy. He performs minimally invasive spinal and muscle injections, inluding nerve blocks and trigger point injections. He also has extensive experience in the use of Botox. His practice is centered around holistic, patient focused care, and he is often consulted for second opinions to help patients successfully avoid spine, hip, knee, foot, and shoulder surgeries. In addition, he has helped many patients eliminate or reduce the severity and frequency of their migraine headaches without the use of narcotic medications. Dr. Cassius works closely with other specialists, and often refers patients to physical therapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, accupuncturists, and exercise trainers.